Welcome to London’s
Child and Youth Network

Our community is working collectively to increase and improve outcomes for children, youth, and families across the city.


Our Approach

The next Child & Youth Network General Partners Meeting: February 15, 2023

Sign up for the CYN Ebulletin (scroll down for link) to get regular updates. 

mom and baby  face-to-face
Making Literacy a Way of Life

Baby's Book Bag helps new and expecting parents give their baby the best start in life.

Read! Sing! Play! Love! Talk! Baby's Book Bag is a free resource for new and expecting parents in London. It includes quality board books, locally created songs and rhymes and information about community programs and resources to help parents give their newborns and infants the best start in life.
Image of soccer ball
Healthy Eating and Healthy Physical Activity

Act-i-Pass provides children in Grade 5 (+1) with FREE access to community-based physical activity opportunities for a whole year.

Research shows that physical activity begins to decrease in children as early as the age of 9 years. If grade 5 students can access physical activity opportunities, they will be given a chance at better health, longer lives, less illness, reduced screen time, and more play! Since Act-i-pass started in 2012, over 10,000 children in London have benefited from the program.
Jess - Community Connector and Champion
Creating a Family-Centred Service System

Champion- Community Connector

Jess Colley exemplifies the ideal characteristics of a Community Connector. Jess is friendly, knowledgeable and assists families in accessing a range of programs and services.

At the heart of Jess’ strengths is exactly that – her heart. She is passionate and caring, and balances that well with her skills to effectively connect families with the professionals and resources they need. She has the ability to build trusting relationships with not only the families, but her colleagues and partners, and as such, is looked to as a leader in the community.

The Community Connector is the first face that a family sees when they enter a Family Centre. They are the trusted person that can provide initial answers and make connections and warm referrals when necessary. Community Connectors are essential to the functioning of the Family-Centred Service System and Jess represents the values of an ideal connector.
Splashing in Puddles
Ending Poverty

Supporting children, youth, and families to break the cycle of poverty.

Currently, 1 in 4 children born in London are living in poverty. The Ending Poverty priority recognizes that poverty is a complicated social problem that requires a multi-faceted approach.

Here's just some of the 170+ partners working within our network

Active & Safe Routes to School
Adopt for Life
Beautiful Edibles
Boys and Girls Club of London
Chelsea Green
Children's Museum
Chippewa of the Thames First Nations
Community Living
Crouch Neighbourhood Resource Centre
Diaper Bank of London
Epilepsy southwestern ontario
Fanshawe College
Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre
Grand Avenue Children's Centre
HEAL Youth Advisory Council
Health Zone Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic
Human Environments Analysis Laboratory
Humana Community Services
London Children's Connection
London Food Bank
London Public Library
Mary J. Wright Centre Research and Education Centre at Merrymount
Merrymount Family Support and Crisis Centre
Mission Services
Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integration
Ontario Student Nutrition Program
Parkwood Children's Centre
Reforest London
Salvation Army
SARI Therapeutic Riding
South London Neighbourhood Resource Centre
United Way Elgin Middlesex
Vanier Children's Services
Western Day Care
Western University
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario